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Indian brutality and Occupied Kashmir

 It would not be wrong to call Occupied Kashmir the largest open prison in the world as eight million people are currently in captivity. On the one hand, India says that it has abolished Article 35A in the Occupied Territories and annexed it to the whole of India, but on the other hand, it has deployed one million troops there. Now even the puppet Kashmiri leaders of India, Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah are bubbling over Indian initiatives. Mehbooba Mufti has even refused to wear the Indian tricolor in her press conference.The daily atrocities against the Kashmiri people and then the martyrdom of the unarmed Kashmiri youth is like an ugly stain on the face of India. Playing has become a favorite pastime of the Indian Army. A recent OIC foreign ministers' conference was held in the African Muslim country of Niger, which also echoed the Indian violence in occupied Kashmir, which India is now wailing over.

The 47th meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Niger unanimously passed a resolution on Pakistan's Occupied Kashmir. According to a resolution of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, the Jammu and Kashmir dispute has been on the agenda of the UN Security Council for seven decades. Declared a direct insult to the resolutions.The resolution of the OIC Foreign Ministers' Meeting stated that the Indian measures were aimed at changing the proportion of population in Occupied Kashmir and snatching away other rights of Kashmiris, including the referendum. The role of the Military Observer Group should be extended to the Line of Control (LOC). I called on the UN Special Representative to continuously monitor the human rights violations of innocent Kashmiris in Occupied Kashmir and to inform the UN Secretary General.

The passage of this resolution by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is a good move. India has started wailing over the passage of this resolution and has said that Kashmir is its internal affair. They rise up against him, testify, chant slogans and run a freedom movement. India is no longer hesitant to use chemical weapons to crush their independence movement.India has now tried a new tactic of martyring innocent and unarmed Kashmiris and declaring them ineligible and then not handing over their bodies to their families. Informed sources say that India is using camel weapons against Kashmiris, so they do not even give the bodies of the youth or Kashmiris who are martyred to their families so that the scourge of Indian barbarism cannot be exposed. In this regard, it is the duty of the Pakistani government and institutions to expose this brutality of India.

When Article 35A was repealed from Kashmir on August 5 last year, a movement was launched by the Pakistani government and people in favor of Kashmiris, which has now begun to wane and the Kashmir issue at the governmental level as well. Is not being highlighted as it should be. The adoption of the resolution in the OIC is a good move, but at the same time the world powers should be reminded that Kashmiris are also inhabitants of this world and the ugly face of India should be brought before the world.

In this regard, an integrated strategy needs to be formulated, the key components of which are effective communication at the international level, mobilization of the Kashmiri community abroad, political support to the Kashmiri resistance and international pressure on India. Efforts should be made to declare such organizations as terrorist organizations. Because India has also been active in getting Pakistan included in the FATF list. Now in many states of India, legislation has been enacted on Modi's baseless term 'Lo Jihad' that Muslims lure Hindu girls and marry them so that they can convert them to Islam.

In this regard too, an atmosphere can be created against India at the international level, where state interference has even begun in private matters such as marriage. If we highlight the Kashmir issue in every forum, it will strengthen other separatist organizations in India and on the one hand, India is now suffering from recession for the first time in history. Will be forced to push back.

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